Roller coaster

6:19 PM 0 Comments

So to start off this post, here is some humor for you all:

A tweet of my life one year ago. This happened in real life. #iloveoreos

This made me laugh because if you have ever been at my parents house with my sisters dog.... this statement is only too true. 

Anyways, first I will explain my blogspot URL. Mainly, the "lyfe". So a little over a year ago, 3 wonderful friends of mine:

 Kelsey                                                      Holly                                                          Karen

Basically became inseparable. We went on an AMAZING Easter vacation to Memphis, and coined our standard phrase "Sistaz4lyfe". Obviously because the four of us are super gangster. And thus, the "lyfe" had begun. Standard hashtags #thelyfe #mylyfe also became frequent in our long-lasting group text. T-shirts were almost made. (Still in the works in my mind.) These ladies are so amazing and I am very thankful for them in my lyfe. ;) 

So the title of this post is "roller coaster", due to the ups and major down I have had since my last post. First, the UPS!

1. I got to go to Tyler to visit my super BFF Jennifer, and go to her bridal fitting. It was a glorious day. We went shopping with her sister-in-law Brynn, had dinner with Jen's awesome parents, and just caught up on our busy lives. It was so great to see her and I can't wait to see her and her fiance tomorrow as well. :) 

Not a pic from this visit, but I love this picture of the two of us. :)

2. I got to spend the a lot of quality time with my sister! :) Well, we were babysitting, so the UP is that we got paid lol, and I got to see Jess for a lot of the day. Not living in the same house, sometimes state, and us having drastically different schedules doesn't leave a lot of time for sister time. So it was great to spend time with her. The kiddos we babysat were good 90% of the time so it was nice and fun. They are hilarious and so sweet. 
So cute. Mesmerized by the TV. This happens to me as well.... minus the sippy cups. :)

3. I got to reconnect with an old friend, Paulina. We have known each other since 6th grade, and have been friends ever since. She is hilarious and tells it how it is. It was great to see her, and I wasn't surprised that we picked up right where we left off. 
Isn't she super cute? (Ignore my cra cra bangs yall.)

4. Today I got to spend with my awesome sister and mom! We went to Mckinney and went to a few quilt stores and had lunch. They are hilarious and it was just a great day with two of my favorite people! :)

Selfie with Momma at Happiness is Quilting :)

Jess and I at Jason's Deli (we are super happy bc we are eating)
Obviously her eyes are closed......

The haul!! :) A few FQ's and a panel. Plus a cute mini charm pack. 

5. THE CRAFTS! A small update on FGV: 

A few cut pieces for a block....

Kettle's On Block! So cute. The 6 inch blocks are cute, but tiny and difficult. I like how it turned out though. (Don't look too closely y'all.)

I thought they looked like burritos.

For some reason this block stayed on the table for 2 days because I got super frustrated with it. So I quit and left it. Came back and it was fun again. This happens to me sometimes... But it all works out in the end. :)

Yay! The Farm Fresh Flower Block. 
And last but not least, the finished Churn Dash Love Block. Lori posted it on her blog yesterday and I just love it. The heart fits so well in there, it was a great idea. And my heart even turned out ok! This was a 12 inch block so it was a lot larger than the tiny one on the Baby Chick block that I had made previously, only 6 inches. 
I might do another one tonight..... the night is semi-young. :)

So... the down. :( 
I am not going to give many details, just that things might not be working out for the future as planned, thus hyperventilating occurred, lots of tears, and a peach daiquiri with Aaron happened later in the evening. (So thankful for my wonderful husband y'all.) But I am optimistic and would greatly appreciate prayers at this time. When it works itself out, I will give all the information. :) 

So anyways, I hope you all have a great weekend with friends and family and enjoyed my lil blog post! :)

I leave you with my favorite sewing tools. Chickie the chick (original name I know), my new 6 1/2 inch square ruler, and the CUTEST scissors ever. Yes, it is a bear. :)


And so it begins.

7:14 PM 3 Comments

Hello friends and happy Memorial Day! So today, amidst sleeping in, sitting in the bathtub for 45 minutes because of a tornado warning, worrying about my husband who was at the gym during said tornado warning, sewing my cute Farm Girl Vintage blocks, and eating sweet potato fries, I, Michelle, decided to begin a blog. All of you get to hear about my goofy antics, sweet husband, attempts at quilting, cross-stitching, knitting, embroidery, even further attempts at teaching college-age students how awesome math is, my faith, my struggling with my own math classes, and much, much more. So, to start, I will introduce myself.

This is me:

I believe I had just gotten my hair cut when this pic was taken. :) I guess I was tired... hence the squinty eyes. (I probably had only one cup of coffee that day.....) I am a born and raised Texan, who loves a whole lot of things: Jesus, my husband, my family, my dear dear friends, laughing, COFFEE, shopping, sewing, crafting, math, teaching, learning, eating, sleeping, and making others laugh. I am currently going to school to get my master's degree in mathematics. Sounds cuckoo I know. (I hear it a lot.) BUT I totally love it and I also have the opportunity to teach undergraduates math as well. It is so awesome and I am so blessed to be able to do so. Lastly, (too much about me... boring) I have been married for almost a year to the most amazing, hilarious, and wonderful man. He puts up with my goofiness and still loves me! 


onto.... THE CRAFTS! So my mother and I, and now my sister, recently have been slightly (aka extremely) obsessed with Lori Holt's Farm Girl Vintage book. It is amazing and quite possibly the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life. #farmgirlfridays have actually turned into #farmgirllyfe. Errday allday. Here are the ones I've completed for my Farm Girl Sampler:

The Canning Season and Chicken Foot blocks

My special FGV basket :) 

Butter Churn and Baking Day blocks

Baby Chick and Apron Strings blocks

All of my cuties together :)

I mean, I already LOVE vintage fabrics, really all things vintage, so this book is my Mecca. It is amazing. My mom, dad, and I recently went on a trip to Michigan and my mom commented, "I wish we had brought FGV with just to look at the pictures." The pictures are amazing and so vivid. (And cute. Obv.) Lori (because we are obviously on a first name basis.. #besties) does a great job with the instructions and spelling everything out for dummies like me. I struggle. 

I also managed today to do a few new blocks for a special super secret project I am working on. Here's a few pics, hopefully it wont give it away!

 This is my purple Woolly Sheep block! No legs or eyes yet. I decided she was levitating.

My DELICIOUS Mooyah sweet potato fries my dear husband got me :) (gone in about .342 seconds)

Cuttings for my Pie Cherries block                                        Zoey the Zebra showing off the block :)

The finished Pie Cherries block up close!

Pieces for the Egg Basket block

Close up so y'all can see how cute the fabric is

All complete! Seriously my favorite block so far. (Although I say that after practically every block...)

The trio plus the book :)

So all in all, today was a successful sewing day besides the scary tornado warning in the middle!!! I huddled in the tub for 45 minutes under the quilt I grabbed from the hall closet, because if something was going to happen to me, you better believe it would be with my favorite quilt!

A Texas Tumbler quilt done in 1930's reproduction fabrics.

And, of course, my husband had decided to leave about 20 minutes earlier to go work out. So here's some math: 

1 tornado warning + freaked out Michelle -strong, level-headed husband = a terrible 45 minutes of my life. 
Needless to say, I had Aaron call me ASAP when I got the warning, shivered in the cold and uncomfortable tub, prayed, and distracted myself with Etsy until it was over. Afterwards, treated myself to some ice cream. (Really what else would anyone do??) It was an exciting day in our household. 

Well now I'm off to end my evening with some fun cross-stitching on a little book mark: 

And lastly, I hope everyone had a great Memorial day!

A special shout-out to my favorite veteran, my cousin Andrew. Love you!

Happy sewing and thanks for listening to my crafty, mathy lyfe!


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