Don't quote me on this but....

7:19 AM 0 Comments

My husband is always right. ALWAYS right. Easy to admit actually. First, (hopefully he doesn't mind....) here's a picture of us on our wedding day:

So clearly he is just the most handsome thing ever. He looks exactly the same and I have gone through hair cuts, hair colors, weight gain, climate change so no tan, so I look nothing like that anymore. But that's not the point of this post. We got married a year and a half ago, and are looking forward to our 2nd anniversary in June. He amazes me each and every day. His love, his kindness, his unwavering support and confidence in who I am and our marriage blows my mind. This is leading to why he is always right...... In opposition, I am somewhat insecure in most aspects of my life. Every doubt I have in who I am and whatever circumstances are going on, Aaron always seems to have the faith that I don't in myself and in God to provide for us. I seriously can't believe it most of the time when Aaron tells me something is going to happen, and what do you know, in time it comes to fruition. This began even when we started dating, he knew right away that we were going to get married, while I took a smidgen more convincing. Whatever he sets his mind to, it just happens. He works hard for what he wants in life, and it amazes me to see what he can do. 

As I think back on our wedding day, and look through all the pictures, I remember all of the hopes that were in that chapel during the ceremony. Hope for the present, and hope for the future. Hope for Aaron and I's future, that it may be filled with faith, hope, and love. I remember all the love that was in that chapel, not only between Aaron and I, but everyone who so graciously chose to be there for us. I enjoyed looking through the pictures and remembering all that were there for the 2 of us, and how blessed we were and still are for those relationships honored between Aaron or myself and the community around us. I see the thoughtfulness of his mother in him, and the strength of his father, and even the humor from his brother in him. I see how my own family has rubbed off on him (sorry dear), with the curiousness of my own father shining in him, the kindness of my mom, and the friendship always given by my sister. 

So, my wonderful husband, you are always right. Right to marry me of course! ;) And now I am right to brag and show the world how fantastic you are. I love you!

Our most recent photo taken this year

Our first photo taken in 2010


My 2015 sewing year

9:48 AM 0 Comments

FINALLY! A post about sewing :) This post is dedicated to everything I managed to create this year. I am excited to go through all of my starts, middles, and finishes made in 2015. Hopefully this won't be too short! (I'm not worried about long..... graduate school gets in the way of creativity!)

My dive into zippered pouch making... a                              A wedding gift for a beloved friend, Ruth
 pencil bag I love and use daily

Graduation present for my wonderful friend Tiffany. The first quilt I quilted by myself on my little Pfaff machine. It was a great experience!

Graduation quilt made for one of my closest friends, Cina

Pencil pouch and first endeavor of embroidery

Farm Girl Vintage potholder for my mother-in-law, Susan

Some FGV blocks :)

My first bedrunner and first free-motion quilting project. I love it!

First baby quilt made, just the top. It finally got quilted though and will be finished soon :)

FGV quilt for another best friend, Meagan, as a wedding present

Christmas tabletopper

First mini quilt! 

FGV Pillow.... Also for Meagan. 

Fun foundation paper-pieced block. 

First dive into paper piecing and first pillow made! I love it. So fall festive.

First endeavor into English paper-piecing. (Still yet to be appliquéd down lol)

Halloween quilt using my favorite Spellbound fabrics

This was for a swap I did.... it was difficult to give away bc it turned out so precious, but worth it when my swap partner said she loved it! :)

Halloween hat wall hanging. This was a fun paper-piecing project! Took a while because of all the parts but now I am confident in all foundation paper piecing projects. :)

Fun mini quilt for my sister Jessica's birthday :)

Tom the Turkey thanksgiving block. Pieced on Thanksgiving actually!

Super cute and fun Christmas ornament made after finals were over!

Beginning of a 3 wise men paper piecing project. (still in the works)

My cutie patootie sister with the fun charm pack cherry quilt I pieced and Momma quilted. She loved it!

First dresden plate project, a pillow. It came out great!

Finally, one of my favorite projects, a paper pieced R2D2 wall hanging for Dad at christmas. He was pleasantly surprised and is going to hang it in his office at home!

I loved looking back on this year and remembering the circumstances of each project and many beloved gifts were given to the people I love the most. (Poor Aaron didn't warrant any home-made projects.... we'll have to rectify that this year of course! :) )

Thanks for looking back with me! Have a wonderful day!


Looking back at 2015

3:45 PM 0 Comments

Well.... It's probably long past due in writing another blog. As you probably can tell, I've taken a bit of a hiatus from my already short stint as a blogger. Life just gets in the way. Well the reason for my hiatus was that I went back to Arizona to continue on in my Master's degree. God certainly has a much different schedule and tasks that He wants me to accomplish on His time, which almost never matches up with what I want or think that I need. Looking back over this year, it's strange to see all the changes that have happened. I finished my first year of graduate school in May, celebrated my 1st year anniversary with my dear husband, survived a summer working retail with great customers, accumulated more projects I aspire to make, lost a grandmother who in turn made it possible to come back for my 3rd semester in graduate school, truly enjoyed my 3rd semester of graduate school, gained confidence in myself and who I am as a mathematician, grew closer to my family, was able to witness 2 of my closest friends get married to truly wonderful men (and at one I gave a kick-ass Matron of Honor speech), make new friends, and sadly help see the end of an era as my parents get ready to move and sell the house I grew up in, celebrated birthdays, holidays, had homework parties in, it was the first place I went to after getting engaged, (and getting married because I left my passport there...). It is full of a lifetime of memories, good and bad. It's weird how sentimental you can become over something such as a home. But I know my parents and sister are looking forward to the next stages in their lives for downsizing and my mom getting the 2 sewing rooms she has always dreamed of. (I'm pretty jealous.) And as wonderful as this past year has been, there are many things I have to look forward to next year as well: (hopefully) finishing my master's degree, coming home to my amazing husband who has supported me and loved me unconditionally during my 2 years in Arizona, finding a teaching job, finishing all the 10000 projects I have accumulated (maybe not all... but some would be nice :) ), helping my parents with their new home, seeing my best friend Cina come home from missionary work overseas, and much more. These are the few things I have in mind for next year, and I look forward to seeing what else God wants to put on my plate. As I've especially learned during this year and a half of graduate school, He is truly the one thing I can lean on in all matters, because only He knows the outcomes and the path I am headed down. He has led me in all aspects of my life, to my husband, to my wonderful friends, to the school I am getting another degree from, and to who I am today. For those of you who know me well, you know how bumpy the road was, how doubtful I was (and still am at times) in myself and Him, how grateful I was when I saw His will being done. I also want to thank all of my family and friends for putting up with me this year, my anger and love, my ups and downs, and loving me throughout it all. I can't wait to see how next year turns out! (For those crafters, I will post soon with some pictures of my recent projects.)



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