Quick tidbit :)

7:17 PM 0 Comments

Hey y'all! I apologize for getting everybody sooooo excited about my awesome blog and then taking a nice long break haha. I will do a long post tomorrow when I don't go into work early and have plenty of time to update y'all on my life. And my husband works so I need to do something to occupy my time while he is working. :) Most recently, I finished a bed runner for my Camp Loopy Project, and I quilted it myself! Well, to be more specific, I free-motion quilted it. Instead of normally just "stitching in the ditch", I, Michelle Burt, took a class my awesome husband got me for my birthday to learn how to do this cool stuff, and learned how to stitch super cute designs myself into the quilting. It was super fun and I met some sweet ladies in the process. Anyways, so I used my budding knowledge and used it on my CL project. I am attaching a few pics for everyone to enjoy and I will go into more details tomorrow... possibly Thursday :)


Camp Loopy Project Pics:

Just after I had finished the top. Minus some additional sashing I decided to put in there :)

All quilted and bound! 

Close up of one of the blocks so yall can kind of see the quilting I put in there.

My favorite flower :)

This is part of the back I pieced to use up my fabric for the project requirement. I am loving how it turned out!

Full pic of the back

Have an awesome night yall :)


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google


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